Dear Dad

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Dr Ekta Kaur Sachdeva
Dr Ekta Kaur Sachdeva 17 Jun, 2022 | 1 min read

My anchor in any storm.

Who conquered problems, all

The wind beneath my wings

My rock, my foundation, what do I call?

You never chided, I remember

None of my demands you left asunder

You're my Santa bringing countless gifts

Or a Superman who in turbulent times, lifts

A magician who vanishes all my worries

All my burdens, deep who buries

At late nights, we talked about your day's work

Or bemused childhood stories of mirth.

You made confident enough to face the world

Able to move in society to prove my worth

Trained me with sermons of perfect married life

To settle there, be it happiness or strife

The sun in our familial sky

Who makes us soar high

Many of your chores go thankless, I feel

With father's day around the corner, I wish to tell how much you mean

The great stories ever to be told

It's of father like you with the heart of gold.

-Dr. Ekta kaur Sachdeva


Published By

Dr Ekta Kaur Sachdeva



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