Parents love

Parents love

Originally published in en
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Divya Gosain
Divya Gosain 28 Jul, 2022 | 1 min read

The stay in the womb was so comforting,

There a couple was gearing up for parenting,

Anxiously waiting for my arrival,

Nine months long was the journey I had to travel,

With teary eyes she took me in her hands,

Dad was preparing the welcome so grand,

Nurtured me with love care and affection,

I filled with pride while collecting those emotions,

From cradle to the grounds, 

There immense blessings were always around,

Life throw hurdles every now and then,

Parents blessings is around I could sense,

"Ma" " Pa"- Thank you for choosing me as a daughter,

Have witnessed the divine light and I call them Mother and Father.


Published By

Divya Gosain



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