Crimes rates amongst young people.

Published By Paperwiff

Tue, Jul 6, 2021 6:31 PM

Contest Start Date: July 6th, 2021

Contest End Date: July 20th, 2021

Choose Topic: Crime


The crimes committed by the juvenile have been tackled by enacted legislation such as the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015. The crime committed by juveniles has increased in the recent past. The reports of various organizations suggest that youngsters are involved in some heinous offences. The reformative punishment given to kids has not created deterrence. Juvenile delinquency is a serious issue that should be dealt with on a priority basis. The juveniles are the ones who will represent our society in the future. If they commit unsocial activities, it will be a severe problem for society at large, so share your thoughts with us and help us build a better community.

The write up should be above 350 words for stories and  250 words for poetry. The first prize winner gets Rs. 180/-, second prize winner gets Rs.150/- and third prize is Rs.120/- respectively separately for both the poems and the stories. Let's unite together for a moment and enjoy the beautiful world we are blessed with.

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