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Published By Paperwiff

Tue, Nov 16, 2021 10:58 AM

We all are starting with the investment plan in Gold and what can be better than “Jar”. Yes, you got it right. And Paperwiff brings a golden opportunity for you all to write some fabulous articles on “Jar”. So all you have to do is visit, explore about Jar and write your opinion in your language. This contest has certain rules-

1. For every article you write on, please use the tag #jar #investingold for easy reach to the audience.

2. The article could be a story or a poem which includes your perception about “jar” and how it’s motivating youth to invest in gold.

3. The start date of the contest is 16th November and end date is 20th November.

4. Language entries other than English and Hindi will be receiving special prizes. However, there are big prizes for every language, but vernacular language will always be our priority.

5. Prize money for best write ups this week is Rs-1200/- with a certificate for vernacular content expect Hindi and English for one article. For articles in English and Hindi, the prize money is Rs.1000/- with certificate. Competition is tough so give it your best.

In collaboration with Jar, Paperwiff brings you a wonderful opportunity to explore the investment potentials in every small thing you do. Convert your writing to investments with Jar and Paperwiff. Start your saving journey today and lift by words.

Just follow the rules of Paperwiff to write your articles. Visit the Content writing policy section of Paperwiff to know more about the rules of writing on Paperwiff. Once we announce the winners' names, kindly share your account details with us on any Instagram, FacebookTwitter handles or write to us at