Look Inside

Just wanted to share some thing.

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Archit Arora
Archit Arora 15 Feb, 2022 | 1 min read

We all want to lead a very happy and successful life. We all want a lifetime of happiness in our personal life and proffessional life, but life is not perfect we all face ups & downs. And when hard times come we tend to become lost and hopeless, many times we blame other people for our downfall. But, if we just pause for a moment and introspect we will realize that only you are responsible for whatever is happening around your life whether it is good or bad.

We tend to seek validation from outside, whether it is a person or a thing. Why do we have to depend on anyone for our happiness and emotional well-being? Ask yourself this question.

Once you look for answers to this question you will realize that nothing external can ruin your emotional or mental well-being. Nothing can affect you if you are good from within and then only you can live life in the most enjoyable way.


Published By

Archit Arora



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