The Pierce in my heart

The Pierce in my heart

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Abhishek Mangalam
Abhishek Mangalam 28 Nov, 2022 | 2 mins read
dusk evening broken love

The sun has just set. But still one can feel and see the red and orange lights across the western sky. The birds are going south maybe that is where they belong. The streets are getting busier and as the sun is getting down the lights are lightning up. The time is in its own pace. But I’m still, for the time being. It’s just a nice view that I don’t even want to blink. In some time, there is going to be crowd here. But this time is perfect. I have never seen this aura before, maybe I never got the time to witness it. Or was I even here the whole time. Maybe I was too busy looking at the other things. But let’s not talk about that now. Let me just see the scenery.

As I stand here at the junction. Street foods are getting ready. It’s the calm before the storm. And everyone’s getting ready for it. I don’t know what brought me here. I don’t want to talk about it, though. But can I escape that? Either way, maybe I’ll get there, and you wouldn’t ever know. My eyes are sore. Its red in the inside. And no, I have not been crying all the while. It was maybe something that hurt me. And I can still feel that pierce in my heart.

It hurts when you are hurt. It hurts when you love someone and that someone is busy in their own chores. It hurts when you are not noticed. I took a long walk to reach at this place, however it was close by. But I don’t know why I took this long path. Maybe I didn’t want to go to my depressing place. Maybe I needed some open air. But I am amazed and thankful for this. I must say I’m getting settled at this. It’s getting peaceful. 

The lights are all lit. And the traffic is high. All the chaos is back. I’m on my way back to my place. Maybe I’ll rest a bit. Or maybe take a good sleep. And whenever I would wake up. I hope I will be good. 


Published By

Abhishek Mangalam



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