These beings, possibly benevolent guides or malevolent chaos feeders, are eternal witnesses to the universe's history. Ancient civilizations hinted at their existence through cryptic writings and artifacts, but their presence has faded into folklore. The Shetyw challenge seekers through trials that test their physical, mental, and emotional limits, demanding a reevaluation of their beliefs. These trials blur the boundaries of reality, expanding the seekers' perception and understanding. The final trial, a surrender to the universe, leads to a profound unity with all existence, a connection that transcends the ordinary, and an altered state of enlightenment. Returning to the physical world, the seeker carries the heavy yet comforting weight of newfound knowledge. The narrative hints at the continued journey of discovery and understanding, embodied by the encounter with Nyx, a figure who introduces the Book of Shadows. This book, containing the universe's deepest secrets, pulls the seeker into a terrifying yet exhilarating exploration of ancient beings, darkness, and cosmic power. The story concludes with the seeker feeling an irresistible pull towards the unknown, driven by an unyielding curiosity that leaves the narrative open-ended and prompts contemplation.

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Uknown 20 Jul, 2024 | 9 mins read

Once upon a time, way before time was a concept; wait, hold on, why do people even start stories with "ONCE UPON A TIME"? Okay, now I'm curious: is it a written rule that every story needs to begin with the words once upon a time? because I have seen a lot of stories that have that intro and it baffles me every time; but seriously was "TWICE UPON A TIME" taken or is it a taboo to start a story any other way than "ONCE UPON A TIME", any who let me get back on track before my mind wonders for another million years, what I'm about to tell you all right now is gonna come off as a drunken rant but I still want you all to heed my every word because your very survival is dependent on this information, this information has been long lost from human recollection, but before I get to that I need you to heed my warning "DO NOT, I REPEAT UNDER ANY CONDITION DO NOT GO SEEKING THE SHETYW", the Shetyw are not to be trifled with their power is immeasurable, and their motives remain a mystery, legend has it that the Shetyw were the first beings to inhabit the universe; born from the primordial chaos that precedes time itself, while others believe that they are benevolent beings, guiding the course of the universe from the shadows. Others fear their malevolence, viewing them as ancient entities that feed on chaos and despair; regardless of their true nature, one thing is certain: Shetyw is eternal. They have witnessed the rise and fall of countless civilizations, the birth and death of stars, and the ebb and flow of time itself; they are the keepers of knowledge long forgotten. Ancient civilizations, long extinct, left behind cryptic writing and enigmatic artifacts that hinted at encounters with these enigmatic beings. However, as time passed, their presence faded from the collective memory of humanity, becoming nothing more than mere folklore and legends. Their existence is shrouded in mystery, and their origins are lost in the depths of time itself; the legends speak of their immense power and their ability to manipulate the very essence of existence itself; they are said to possess a profound understanding of the universe that transcends the limitations of mortal comprehension. Whispers of their existence have long been echoed through the ages, reaching the ears of those who dare to seek enlightenment; many have embarked on the treacherous journey driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge of the universe, but in their presence, the mortal mind is tested. Reality is challenged, and the very fabric of the universe trembles; some have returned forever changed their minds haunted by the enigmatic encounters with the Shetyw; it is said that those who encounter the Shetyw are subjected to a series of trials designed to test the limits of their understanding and perception. The guardians of ancient wisdom challenge the very foundations of reality, forcing mortals to question their deepest beliefs and confront the fragility of their existence; in the presence of the Shetyw, the boundaries between the tangible and intangible blur, and the laws of the universe become malleable; time bends and space warps under the weight of their immense power, it is an experience that can shatter the sanity of even the most resilient minds yet despite the dangers that lie in their wake; the allure of the Shetyw remains irresistible for those who seek the truth. The prospect of unraveling the secrets of forgotten knowledge is worth the risk. Still, one must proceed with the utmost caution, for the truth they seek may be more than they can bear; to encounter the Shetyw is to dance on the precipice of enlightenment and madness; it is a journey that demands unwavering determination, unyielding curiosity and a willingness to confront the unknown only those who possess the strength to withstand the trials and the courage to face the consequences can hope to emerge with the wisdom they seek, so if you dare to venture into the realm of the Shetyw prepare for a journey unlike any other; brace your mind, steel your spirit, and above all tread lightly for the guardians of ancient wisdom await ready to challenge your perception of reality and forever alter the course of your existence. This is an account from the time I dared to test fate by seeking that which I do not understand, so take it from me: if you didn't listen to my warning and still continued with your plans to seek out the Shetyw know that as soon as you step into the realm of the Shetyw the air crackles with otherworldly energy, I'm not going to set you on a suicide mission by revealing how I gained access to their dimension because that by itself was a miracle. Every step in their dimension feels like a leap of faith, as the ground beneath you seems to shift and change with each passing moment; the guardians of wisdom, a group of Shetyw elder priests, appear before you. Their eyes hold the secrets of eons, and their presence commands both awe and trepidation; they speak in riddles and enigmatic whispers, testing your resolve and challenging your preconceived notions. To gain their favor, you must first prove your worth with trials that test your physical, mental, and emotional strength; you must navigate treacherous landscapes and confront your deepest fear. Each trial pushes you to your limits, demanding that you dig deep within yourself to find the strength to persevere, but it is not just physical prowess that the elders seek; they demand a willingness to question everything that you thought you knew, to challenge the very foundations of your beliefs. They force you to confront your biases and limitations and open your mind to new possibilities and perspectives; as you progress through the trials, you begin to feel a shift within yourself. The boundaries of your perception expand, and you start to see the world through a different lens; the once familiar becomes strange, and the unknown becomes a source of fascination rather than fear, but with each step closer to enlightenment, the between sanity and madness blurs, the weight of the knowledge you seek threatens to overwhelm you it is a delicate dance, teetering on the edge of reason as you strive to maintain your grip on reality; yet amidst the chaos and uncertainty a sense of clarity emerges, and you begin to see the connections between all things and the threads that bind reality together. The elders' whispers become clearer, their riddles more comprehensible. Each trial unlocks a new layer of understanding, illuminating the mysteries of the universe like a starry night sky, and then the final trial, the most difficult of them all, you are brought before the elders, who stand in a circle around you. They speak in unison, their voice echoing in your mind: "To become one with the universe, you must surrender yourself to it. Let go of your mortal form and embrace the infinite". You feel a sudden surge of fear. What does this mean? How can you surrender yourself to the universe? The elders seem to read your thoughts, and they offer you a small smile." It is not as frightening as it sounds. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Let your mind quiet, and allow yourself to become one with all that is." Trembling, you do as they say. You take a deep, long breath and close your eyes, allowing your senses to expand beyond the physical realm. You feel a warm, comforting presence enveloping you, soothing your fears and doubts. You feel a sense of unity with everything that is and shall ever be; the universe seems to open up before you, revealing its secrets and wonders in a way that words cannot describe. You feel a sense of awe and wonder and a deep sense of peace and contentment. You realize that you have accomplished what you set out to do, come out the other side, and have forever changed. The Shetyw Elders nod approvingly, and you open your eyes to see them smiling. "You have done well," they say. "You have proven yourself worthy of the knowledge we possess. Take what you have learned and use it wisely, for the power of the universe is both great and terrible. Fare well, seeker of wisdom." With that, the Elders begin to fade away, and the mist around you begins to dissipate. You stand there for a moment, feeling the warmth of the universe still lingering within you. You know that you will never be the same again, that you have been forever altered by the knowledge and understanding you have gained. You turn and begin to go back down the path that led you here, feeling a sense of purpose and direction you have never felt before. As you walk, you realize the journey is about gaining knowledge or enlightenment and discovering your true self and place in the universe. You know that there will be challenges and obstacles ahead, but you feel ready to face them with the strength and courage you have gained from your experiences in the realm of the Shetyw. And so you walk on with an unyielding curiosity and a willingness to confront the unknown, knowing that whatever lies ahead, you are ready to face it with open eyes and an open heart. As you step back into the world, you feel the weight of the knowledge you have gained settle onto your shoulders like a heavy but comforting cloak. You know that you have been forever changed, will never see the world like you did before, and have much to share with those around you. But as you walk, you also feel a sense of longing, a sudden ache you cannot quite explain. It is a feeling you have never experienced before. This desire goes beyond the physical and reaches into the very depths of your soul. You continue to walk, lost in your thoughts until you come upon a small clearing. In the center of the clearing stands a figure, tall and dark, its features obscured by the shadows. You feel a sudden surge of fear, wondering if this is yet another trial, but then the figure speaks. "Welcome, seeker of knowledge," it booms, its voice deep and commanding. "You have done well to make it this far. But your journey is not yet over. There is still much that you have yet to learn." You tense up, unsure what to expect. But then the figure steps forward into the light, revealing itself as a beautiful woman with skin as dark as the night sky and eyes that seem to glow like stars. She smiles at you, and you feel your fear begin to dissipate. "My name is Nyx," she says, "and I have been waiting for you." She gestures to a small altar beside her, which sits a book bound in black leather. "This," she says, "is the Book of Shadows. It contains the secrets of the universe, the knowledge that you seek. But be warned, its power is great, and its pages are not easily turned." You feel a sudden surge of excitement. Could this be what you have been searching for all along? You approach the altar with caution, feeling an overwhelming sense of awe and reverence for the book before you. You reach out and run your fingers over the smooth, black leather, feeling the weight of its secrets and power within your grasp. You look back up at Nyx, who nods her head in recognition of the enormity of what you hold in your hands. "You may open it," she says softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "But be careful of what you seek. The knowledge contained within these pages is not meant for mortal minds." You take a deep breath and slowly open the book, watching as the pages rustle and whisper with a life of their own. The words on the page seem to glow with an otherworldly energy, and you feel a sense of awe and fear spiral within your chest. As you begin to read, you are pulled into a vast and terrifying world. You learn of the ancient beings that existed before time, the darkness beyond the stars, and the power that flows through the universe like a river. The knowledge in the Book of Shadows is both exhilarating and terrifying, and you feel your mind stretching to its limits as you try to comprehend it all. As you read on, however, you begin to feel a strange pull toward the darkness, a desire to explore the secrets that lie beyond the veil of reality


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