What happens if your college love memories keep knocking your head after your marriage?

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Tharun 03 Jul, 2022 | 13 mins read
Life Family Couple Love Syzygy



"If He won't make it in time, she will die for sure" ,I thought to myself leaning towards our TV tightening my wrists.

He is driving as fast as he could to reach in time, I wish he get succeed. Boom!, he met with an accident dashing a school bus.

This movie scene reminded me of my accident on our first wedding anniversary.

I heard my wife footsteps approaching me from main door.

"How was your day at your dear" ,I said smiling.

She grabbed Tv remote from my hand and turned it off.

"Go pick our daughter" ,she said removing her badge which says her name Anushvi Dhia.

"I still have time dear , don't worry I will be there on time", I replied.

"What happened to your finger" , She asked me pointing at my bandaged index finger.

"Oh I accidentally did it while peeling off carrots, I am fine", I replied smiling.

"Stop being careless”, she said placing her black robe and handbag on coach.

"Okay I will take care next time" ,I replied grabbing my bike keys.

"No not about your finger. Stop being careless on our daughter, go and pick her up on time" ,she said walking towards bedroom.

Those words 'stop being careless' echoed in my ears.

Without uttering a word I turned back and started walking out. 

Our apartment watchman smiled at me while passing main gate. He always shows his gratitude ever since I helped him with his daughter's school fee.

Those words 'stop being careless' are still in my ear.

I arrived in front of MITS college main gate.

This college main gate and college building surely got divorced , they are very far to each other that it will take fifteen minutes for my daughter to come outside.

I still have some spare time before my daughter arrives so I stared memorizing those words 'stop being careless' from my college days.

It happened Twenty five years ago during my Second year of LLB in GITAM University, Hyderabad.

That day morning me and Vidhi skipped our Law of Evidence classes to have brunch.

Vidhi asked me to get her a plate of Pongal and vada followed by a cup of milk.

She smiled followed by mine.

"You are like a moon to me Vidhi, you make my darkness beautiful", I told holding her left hand.

She noticed a small cloth wrapped around my finger.

She pushed her plate aside and asked me what happened ,I replied saying it was just a minor cut nothing to worry.

Vidhi slapped me and walked away from college canteen.

Everyone in canteen stared at me like I am a primary suspect in a murder case.

After some time Vidhi came back with a first aid kit.

I begged her not to complicate it , as it was just a minor cut.

She yelled saying, “Stop being careless".

I saw tears rolling down her cheeks while she was dressing my finger.

"Pappa" ,my daughter yells brought my attention back to present.

"How was your day at college my dear Bhumi" ,I said forcing a smile.

"Did mom scold you again", asked my daughter settling in back seat.

I didn't opened my mouth and started heading back.

"You shouldn't have remained as home maker pappa , you should go out and make your brilliant brain work. I am damn sure you will be a great lawyer" ,said my daughter.

I said nothing in return.

"Pappa I don't understand why don't you talk against mom!? ", questioned my daughter.

"stop it Bhumi", I replied.

"Are you sad pappa", asked my daughter leaning on my shoulder.

"Not sad just mood off", I replied seeing my daughter dull face on side mirror.

"Both are same though", said my daughter turning her head aside.

"If both are same then why does a Language have two different words" , I replied sarcastically.

"I can't defend a lawyer" , said my daughter in disappointment.

"Okay okay , KFC or Domino's!? ", I asked.

"Domino's..."she exclaimed.

We reached home.

I straight away went inside kitchen and boiled milk.

I came out holding a cup.

"That is not my cup pappa can't you see mom's name 'Anushvi Dhia' written on it",my daughter said in confusion.

"Your cup is in kitchen Bhumi, go and get it. This is for your mom itself" ,I replied holding cup more carefully.

I went inside bedroom and found my wife sleeping on bed.

I placed cup aside, sat next to her legs and started massaging her feet.

A minute later my wife woke up and noticed me , she pulled her feet away from me and said ,"what!?".

"Milk" , I said pointing at cup.

She picked that cup and started sipping.

I didn't dared to speak anything as she completely ignored my presence.

She drank half and handed the cup to me saying, "I am full ,throw this out".

I returned to kitchen holding that cup carefully.

I added sliced mushrooms in cooker.

This half cup of milk reminded me a sweet memory with my college love Vidhi.

Everyday after our college, I used drop Vidhi on my bike.

She gets down a little far from her home and goes away with fear of her dad in eyes.

One day after a great struggle I succeeded in convincing her to go to a coffee shop.

We went inside coffee shop and settled in last table.

She smiled followed by mine.

"AAP KYA LOGE MADAM",Waiter asked obediently to Vidhi.

"She loves milk , get us two cups" ,I pitched in and said leaning towards table.

Waiter nodded his head and turned back to leave.

"Hey wait, One cup of milk is enough" ,said Vidhi.

"You don't want?" ,I questioned her.

"No for both of us one cup is fine" ,she replied smiling.

"Gone mad or what?" ,I replied getting lots in thoughts, thinking how come a single cup of milk is enough for two people.

"Idiot, be a bit romantic" ,she said tapping her forehead.

I signaled Waiter to get us one cup of milk.

She smiled followed by mine.

"If somehow my dad find out about us , then that will be the last day of mine to college" ,said Vidhi in a tone of fear and tense.

"Every second you dwell on past is the second you stealing from present, likewise when you fear about future, So why worry, just live the moment" ,I replied.

Waiter arrived with a cup of milk.

She took that cup and placed in between us.

"We are going to share this right" ,I said examining the cup closely.

"Yes”, she said passionately.

"Then have it" ,I said pushing the cup towards her.

She pushed the cup back to me and said , "First you my dear future husband".

I grinned like chimpanzee and drank half of it.

She took a snap of the half drank cup of milk.

Whistle of cooker brought my attention back to reality.

I made mushroom curry and carrot fry for our dinner.

I set everything on dining table and went to our bedroom.

I leaned from door and said , "take your bath and come to hall dear , dinner is ready".

"Okay", said my wife looking for her night dress in wardrobe.

I went to my daughter's room , she kept the door wide open.

She is busy in writing something in her notepad sitting on her bed.

I knocked that open door and said , "May I come in!?".

"Yes" ,said my daughter smiling.

"What is it Bhumi!? ,New poem again?" , I questioned her settling on her study chair.

"No pappa , it's an article on valentine's day" , replied my daughter.

"When you are done writing send me the link", I said rubbing her head.

"you are always my first reader pappa" ,said my daughter.

"You can finish it later now let's go and have dinner first , your mom went to take her shower" ,I said standing to leave.

My daughter grabbed my hand and asked me to sit.

"You have something to tell me Bhumi", I asked her in hurry.

"Tomorrow is valentine's day pappa , Are you not going to send a valentine's day letter to your college love Vidhi aunt", said my daughter in low voice.

"I told you hundreds of times not to call her aunt" , I said in some frustration.

"Okay sorry, Vidhi”, said my daughter biting her tongue.

"I already did" ,I said with pride.

"Am I allowed to see it" ,asked my daughter.

I slowly took out a envelope from my pocket and gave it to her.

"What's did you write!?" ,asked my daughter examining that envelope closely.

"Secret" , I said winking.

"Are you mad or what pappa" ,Asked my daughter.

"What made you say that? " ,I questioned her.

"This address bar is empty except her name Vidhi" ,Said my daughter making a puzzled face.

"It doesn't matter" ,I said smiling.

"In that case this letter won't even cross our main door pappa" , said my daughter holding her laugh.

"Don't worry the postman knows her address well, now let's go and have our dinner" ,I said and pulled back envelope from her hands.

Me and Bhumi walked out of her room and my wife came to the dining table simultaneously.

I served them rice followed by carrot fry and mushroom curry.

After serving I sat next to Bhumi and filled my plate too.

"How was your day at college Bhumi" ,asked my wife.

"It was fine mom" , replied my daughter obediently.

"So how's your blog?" , questioned my wife.

"It's good mom , I am almost done writing a new article on valentine's day" , replied my daughter.

"Don't post anything unless your dad finalize it" ,said my wife. Her eyes fixed on Bhumi.

My daughter nodded her head and said nothing.

"Bhumi have some more carrot fry" , I said trying to serve her.

"No pappa I am full" ,said my daughter stopping me.

My wife pitched in and questioned"Diwali did you eat anything outside?"

"No" ,me and Bhumi said together in tense.

My wife threw angry looks on Bhumi.

Me and Bhumi remained silent.

"Mom tomorrow is Sunday, shall we go to movie?" ,Said Bhumi breaking silence.

My wife gave a sharp look and started eating again.

"Please mom , it's holiday for both of us and at least tomorrow we can give pappa some rest from kitchen”, said my daughter sweetly.

My wife nodded her head.

"Thank you so much mom”, Said my daughter in joy.

After our dinner my wife left to our bedroom.

Bhumi followed me to kitchen and sat next to gas stove as I started cleaning vessels.

"Can I help you pappa" , my daughter asked me looking at heap of utensils.

"No you have something else to do Bhumi"  ,I replied.

"What is it pappa", my daughter asked.

"Take my phone and book movie tickets ", I replied indicating my phone next to her.

"What's screen password pappa" ,asked my daughter picking my phone up.

"No password just slide" , I replied.

"What's phone pay password pappa?" ,asked my daughter again.

"One One Three One Three One" ,I said.

"Oh my god, pappa there's lakhs of money in your account" ,said my daughter closing her opened mouth with other hand.

"I asked you to book movie tickets Bhumi" , I replied.

"If you don't mind I will ask you something pappa" ,said my daughter.

"What is it?" ,I questioned.

"Being a home maker, how come this much money is in your account?" ,asked my daughter placing her index finger on her chin.

"I do bank robberies while you are at school and your mother at work", I replied sarcastically.

"Pappa stop kidding , I am just curious to know" ,asked my daughter making a unsatisfied face.

"Every month your mother salary gets credited in my account" ,I replied.

"Do mother don't have any bank account!" ,asked my daughter in confusion.

"She do have one , but she insisted to give my details like some twenty years ago" ,I replied cleaning my hands.

We both walked to hall and settled in couch.

"Tell me about vidhi's letter , how can an envelope get delivered with only a name written on it" ,my daughter asked.

"Okay I will tell you , It was your mom's idea to hide this truth from you until you become an adult. Now you are in a engineering college ,writing articles on love. I feel like this is the right time to tell you." ,I said smiling.

"What truth are you talking about pappa" ,said my daughter with excitement.

"This envelope just need a name because it's sender and receiver have same addresses", I said pinching her nose.

"I don't understand" ,my daughter said making a puzzled face.

"Vidhi is none other than your mom , ours is love marriage. That's the reason I get angry every time when you mention Vidhi as aunt" , I said doing shy giggles.

"I can't believe this , oh my goodness" , my daughter said hugging me.

I smiled and hugged her back saying nothing.

"So all these years you were writing letters on valentine's day to mom itself" ,said my daughter rousing.

"Yes Mrs. Detective Bhumi",I said sarcastically.

"Is Vidhi mom's nick name? " , questioned my daughter.

"Vi in Anushvi and Dhi in Dhia , I made it out from your mother name during our college days”, I cleared her doubt like a scientist.

"Anush'VI DHI'a , omg yes how did I miss this all these years" ,my daughter said slapping her head.

"As you asked me evening why can't I talk against your mom! ,It is because she turned against whole world to stay with me. She abandoned her parents too" , I replied wiping my tears.

"Now what made you sad pappa , that's right thing mom did" , replied my daughter offering me water.

"She shouldn't have turnd herself against her dad. He couldn't digest that and died a year later" ,I said in the midst of sorrow.

"Is that the reason why mom started acting hard on you pappa" ,Said my daughter in dull voice.

"You should go and sleep now, it's already late" ,I said standing up from couch.

"I see your fault no where pappa" , said my daughter.

"I said go and sleep ", I replied and came to bedroom.

I slowly opened our bedroom door and placed envelope next to my wife's water bottle.

I slept next to her making no noise.

"God please awake me simultaneously with my wife , she wakes up and drinks water around five in the morning " ,I prayed to God and slept.

That God's alarm worked, I naturally woke up around five AM as my wife started moving too.

She woke up a few minutes later and drank water.

She noticed that envelope and started tearing it like she does every year.

I pretended like I am in deep sleep.

She took that letter out and read

"I love you Vidhi , Happiest valentine's Day" ,she said and turned towards me.

She pinched my cheeks and kissed on my forehead carefully, making sure that won't wake me up.

She took out a first aid box from table drawer and started dressing my finger.

I didn't dared to move.

She started talking, thinking that I am in sleep.

"I am sorry Dear , things I love won't stay with me for long. I do believe in this superstition. Too much of love made me loose my Dad and my pet dog. I can't even imagine loosing you. During our post wedding days I used to love you and showed you every second but ever since you faced an accident on our first wedding anniversary I decided to act hard on you. In this way my superstition will save you. Yesterday I grabbed Tv remote to make you stop watching emotional movies ,it was recommended by your phycologist as you are over sensitive. Those words don't be careless was about your hand not about our daughter. I know you are the world's best dad. This evening I left half of the milk on purpose, just to make you drink the rest my dear husband " ,she said and took a pause to wipe her tears.

I didn't dared to move so I kept pretending like I am sleeping.

"You are my Sun like I am moon to you , I can go no where to hide from your love of light.You sacrificed your career to take care of this home and our daughter , but your real intention was not to stop a woman at home unlike the whole world. My success as a barrister is all yours. When we love someone we expect love in return, but you kept digesting my hate , my ignorance, my avoidance and my scolding’s all these years. You never asked me why and made me to see what true love is. You know I pray God every day that it doesn't matter if I don't get same parents in my next life but I want you as my husband.I love you dear , I love you". She added.

"That's so sweet of you Mom" ,shouted my daughter from under the bed.

"Bhumi",Me and my wife said together in surprise.

"You awake",my wife turned her attention towards me.

"Yes ,but what's Bhumi doing under the bed",I said trying to turn her attention back to my daughter.

Bhumi slowly dragged herself out and stood up turning her head down.

"What are you doing here?", questioned my wife.

"Pappa told me about your love story, So I was just curious to see how's your valentine's day starts" ,said my daughter making a innocent face.

My wife smiled and asked Bhumi to sit , she settled in between both of us.

"Are you happy pappa!?", asked my daughter leaning on my shoulder.

"Not happy just satisfied" , I replied rubbing her head.

"Both are same though" , my daughter said annoyingly.

I replied saying "If both words are same then why does a langua......"

My wife interrupted me and said, "If both words are same then why does a language have two different words".

We all Laughed together.

...The END...

All is fair in LOVE.

SYZYGY is a nearly straight-line configuration of three celestial bodies such as the SUN, MOON, and EARTH(Bhumi) during an eclipse


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