A close love with the family was understood by the other worldly being!!

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Sowmiya S
Sowmiya S 13 Apr, 2022 | 3 mins read


Every night my mom caress my hair before I fall sleep. 

The love, affection and humbleness that I feel during those 5 minutes can't be described in words. 

Her sweet lullabies fade slowly in my ears as I fall asleep. This is kind of a tradition that we follow every night. 

Recently I started sleeping in a separate room as I have to do some late night studies. 

But my mother never fails to follow the tradition. She does it for her own satisfaction. I smile at her and she goes back to sleep. 

Today unusually I fell asleep on my study desk itself. 

I was woken up by the same lullaby that my mom sings. Shockingly the voice was sweet but not soft. 

Before I ponder over the voice, it faded slowly. Since I was half asleep I thought it might be my hallucination. 

Is it really my hallucination ?? 


Today was a completely busy day. I had to roam here and there for my project. 

I came home late today. My dinner was kept on the dining table. 

I saw my mom slept quite early today and was really fast asleep. So I didn't want to disturb her. 

I got refreshed and ate my dinner. 

Today I really didn't want to study so I went to bed. 

I was half asleep, somebody was gently touching my hair and murmured something near my ears. 

And I was damn sure that this wasn't my mom. And not any ordinary sleep paralysis. 

The whisper was nearing my ears. I know I have to open my eyes soon. 

No way! I am completely paralyzed by that voice. 

Oh God! Save me! Please! Pretty please! This is not the time for you to play. 

The whispering stopped suddenly. 

Everything was so silent for a split second and then a voice said "SAVE HER". So loud and clear. 


The voice was so loud and clear near my ears.

The words kept ringing inside my head.


I could open my eyes now but I am completely traumatized. I am completely drenched with sweat and I could feel my heart beating fast. 

I ran to mom's bedroom. 

I could help but to disturb her. I was breathing heavily. I went near my mom and hugged her. 

God damn! My mom's body is burning like fire. She has a very high fever.  

How did I not notice ? Maybe that's why she slept early today. And was upset for past three days. 

I called our family doctor immediately. He arrived at our house around 3 in the morning. 

" She has meningitis. It's a brain fever. Quite dangerous", he said and scribbled some medicines on his notepad. 

Tears started rolling down my cheeks. 

"Hey! Don't worry you saved her on the right time. Just give these medicines to her. She will be alright within a week or two," he said and patted on my shoulders.

Then I realized that it wasn't a ghost but a Guardian Angel. Unfortunately, I couldn't thank her enough. 


Published By

Sowmiya S



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