U turn 4humanity

A girl's turn for extending a helping hand

Originally published in en
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Ikshasiya 22 Sep, 2021 | 1 min read

And Today's story starts like this a girl ,let's name the girl as siya

Today after regular standup Siya's mother assigned her some work to goto tailor.and siya started and the weather was cooperative.In middle she saw a old man who was asking for lift when he saw siya he didn't asked.So siya went little bit far and saw no one is offering him a ride so she took u turn and offered him lift and that old man thanked the despite being a girl you helped me .then the weather has started its test to see by showering heavy rain but siya managed to take him safely

Sometimes unexpected things will bring one small smile on others face that makes you happy.lets be siya at some moment extending our hand for the people who need help atleast a small u turn towards humanity.


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