Quarantine day 2

Corona virus

Originally published in en
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Akshat 01 Apr, 2020 | 1 min read

So, it is finally day of of lock down in our country or we can say it is second day of quarantine and the day was not so much good for me. It was really a hard day , it was really a tough day for me , i am tried of attending live classes organised by my school and tuition classes on different social media platform but i am really sad that as the days of quarantine are passing , the situation due to Corona in our country is getting very bad and bad. A lot of new cases are coming day by day and it seems Corona is spreading very fast in our country. We should keep propoer precaution to fight against this dangerous virus. Let us pray for them who are fighting in behalf of us in public places and they are named as Doctors and police officers . Let us donate for our country , keep praying and stay fit


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