Quarantine day 14

Day 14 - Last day of Quarantine

Originally published in en
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Akshat 13 Apr, 2020 | 1 min read

So finally it is the last day of Quarantine or Lock down in India , and it is the last day of competition organised by Paperwiff and it is the last article i am writing about my experience in this quarantine , actually it is the last day but due to no improvement in the patients of Corona our government may extend the Lock down to 30 th of April , 2020 . Many states had already extend their lock down in their states to 30 of April but we did not get any news from the centrak government , actually it is correct to extend the lock down as India is a very big country and many people might be suffering from Corona if there will be no Lock down . I appreciate the work of Paperwiff , i whatever they are doing for writers and readers , i request you all to take care and donate some money in PM relief fund


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