Quarantine day 11

Day 11

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Akshat 10 Apr, 2020 | 1 min read

Quarantine day 11 or 11 th day of Lock down in India , was very much special to me , as i participated in the Sketch making competition organised by the paperwiff on the topic , 'Your Corona hero' . I know , i am not very good in drawing but still i tried and i did my best to look the sketch beautiful , it was late day submitting our sketches , actually my sister is very good in drawing pictures , sketches etc. But we had a fight before 3 days and she is still very angry on me and she refuses to help me in drawing the sketch and that is why i made the sketch on my own , as i had already said in my previous quarantine experience articles that as the days of quarantine are passing my relation with my sister is getting wrost and wrost , however i am enjoying the quarantine by reading books , writing articles etc. , i am inisde my home and i request you all to be inside your home and stay as per guided by our government .


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