1st day of quarantine

All About Corona ! How i am passing my days. What we should do and what we should not

Originally published in tl
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Akshat 31 Mar, 2020 | 1 min read

So , finally we are facing a quarantine of 21 days due to very harmful and dangerours Conora Virus. I know we all are not happy enough because a lot of people are losting their life due to Corona virus and quarantine seems that we all are locked in a jail. Although i am happy because i have boards this year and i got a sufficient time to study for my boards examination, still i am tired of attending live classes and i am missing my friends a lot. As quarantine is passing my relation with my sister is not going very well. We used to fight a lot during day time. But reakly it's a very tough time for those we are from suffering this virus and i really appreciate the hard work of our Doctors , police officers , sweeper etc. who are giving their 100% to make us safe from the Corona. Let's us donate to make our capable enough so that they can fight against the Corona and i request you all not to go outside of your house.

Be safe , because Precaution is much more better than cure.


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