When life acknowledged you?

Article 4: Life is a game 🎯. Play 🎮 like a pro 😉

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DT 23 May, 2020 | 2 mins read

Is this the real me?

Fictitious yet transparent. Not so much detailed but still carving. Stories have been quite drastic in my life. From being a focused kid to opaque one. I drove some self-made barriers in life. I objectified, the cravings of the society and decided to work on it.

Being a scholar, I was quite transparent with success. Scoring, 94% in 10th to scoring 74% in 12th I have faced quite good battles in life.

Playing with the words have always been my strength, and at the end of this article. I can assure you to empathise some sympathy in your heart for me.

A person crawled up to me and asked, "Would you get up till there?"

I was like, "Where?". See those scholar board, there. I was like 😕.

Other folks we're busy deciding to chose a college in Delhi University and was confused among IITs. And, Here I was dying to even get a good college.

I felt, Life has bullied me to the best.

When I think back, I see myself as that 16 years old teenager who once dreams of IIT.

Dreams: Something that made me feel magical at the very moment.

Yet, I am resonating to survive. I was so destroyed, I felt, " How can I just lay, A dream of IIT". I always wanted to be in it.

And, today When I am 20 and in a college I realise, was IIT my dream. Or developing a content. I acknowledged that I was never able to rest at a single place. I was easily reverted by someone else success. I was easily manipulated by there paths. So, I was never able to make mine.

After such a deep thought, I realised that "If I would end up begging at roads, I would be happy to make enough attempts for something, I always wanted to happen". I would never be jealous with someone who is in a better colleges, or someone who is in a better position than me.

I want to resonate myself in a cottage, with a pen and a paper. Writing novels, articles, books. And, I am happy to see people reading my articles.


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