The moment without you is not a moment anymore.
You know from best to worst moments in my life I want you to be with. Starting this year with you is a dream. Being miles apart still holding each others heart, protecting each other from all pains and helping each other in sorrow we have been a long way.
You know it is magical journey to be with the magical Queen who with her magical want can add flavours to anyone life.
This new year is the surprise because it is quite unpredictable what is going to happen next and what would happen next but I believe I would stay with you to the last of my life.
Let us not penn these things down in words let us just feel it.
So for me my new year resolution is to do best in my life to get the best in my life.
You would be my life without being official wife and yaa one day you would be for sure my wife and the Queen of my house.
I love you. Keep smiling baby.
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