My Angel- My Mom

This is my entry for Mother's Day contest

Originally published in en
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Dr Ekta Kaur Sachdeva
Dr Ekta Kaur Sachdeva 09 May, 2022 | 1 min read

Angel of my life, Nucleus of the family

Paragon of virtues, mom you had undefined grace, stature and beauty

From where did inexhaustible energy you derive?

The hardships you let go so easily

Your relentless forbearing day and night

Now bring tears in my eyes

Resigning in passive submission

Audacious strength deep inside.

Taking care of kith and kin

Tired you slept, who took care of it? Wasn't it a sin?

Oh my peaceful winter

My cool bower during scorching summer

Reservoir of unconditional love

Maa will you forgive me for things I said, I shouldn't have

Your frivolous rebukes

Is now a lesson profound, I surmise

Like a fearless warrior you battled many wars without sighs

With the shield protective always buckled

Your beaming smile removed all frets of the world

And now when you need us.....

Can I, will I be able to give that much?

Call me any moment as we did when we needed you

I will be at your side out of the blue

Love to maa...

-Dr Ekta Kaur Sachdeva


Published By

Dr Ekta Kaur Sachdeva



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