C.A.A - Citizenship Amendment Act

All about Citizenship Amendment Act !

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Akshat 07 Feb, 2020 | 1 min read

Citizenship Amendment Act , so it is the burning topic and now I finally decided to write on this topic. Citizenship Amendment Act (C.A.A) is an act which was passed by government on 11th of december of 2019. Earlier it was C.A.B but as it was passed by government it became act from bill. In this act , the minorities groups of neighbouring countries like Hindu , shikh , christians etc will be given free citizenship of India with in 6 years. It is the revised form of citizenship act of 1955. Migraters must be of neighbouring countries like Pakistan , Bangladesh, Afganistan. However people are protesting a lot against this act. For some people this act is floccinaucinihilipilification and for some this act is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. However this act has a lot of merits and demerits. I personally is in the support of government. What ever government will do it should be accepted. I think people should not violently protest against government . It is against our law of constitution . Protesting peacefully is acceptable by our law.


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