Love : Schools should talk on this topic.

Love: The most hyped topic. The controversy of love is so complexed because of which we can't feel the trueness of this concept and gets be fooled by fake concepts

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DT 30 Dec, 2019 | 1 min read

Growing up as an individual. We often consider somebody as our life.

We love the way they dress, we love the way they address us, we love the way they smile, they talk and we consider these scripted talks as love.

The reality bangs down us when this so-called "love" leaves us. They leave us because they find someone better than we get up as loser and consider this as our final defeat and start trying to escape from reality by consuming drugs, alcohol because they give us eternal and mental peace. This is how our mind starts working.

Helping professionals just help us to retrieve from the end step by sending us to mental asylum and drug free campus. Is it right?

We need to start from Zero and understand the concept of Love that something which we considered love was never love.

It was just a mere attraction which was over possessed by a Nice body overpowering our heart by exciting our hormones and not real feelings in us.

I would advice that school should talk on this topic and we should have counsellor helping youth to understand the concept of love because we are losing life's of many individual who is considered the concept of love and ended/wasted their life.


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